Resource cards
Resource cards are a new type of cards that will be released during the season on OVAL3.
They are valuable assets that will provide strategic advantages and additional options during gameplay. These cards represent various resources, such as timeout, training facilities, or specialized equipment, that can be utilized to strengthen your team.
Resource cards can be traded in the secondary market, allowing players to engage in transactions and potentially acquire or exchange them with other participants. While they can enhance your team's performance and offer unique benefits, they do not contribute to the growth or progression of individual player cards.
By leveraging resource cards strategically, you can tap into additional resources and gain an edge over your opponents. Whether it's acquiring specialized training programs or securing crucial financial support, these cards enable you to fine-tune your team's capabilities. Just remember that while resource cards hold tradable value in the secondary market, their usage does not directly impact the XP progression of your player cards, ensuring a balanced and skill-driven gameplay environment in OVAL3.
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